Saturday, August 12, 2006
"I have an orginal idea. What should I do?" Shydea Shastri
Dear Shydea, Above all things, lovely little moniker you have there. By any chance, is that your original idea? We're asking because, quite frankly, nothing is really original. Originality is over-rated. Originality is a pain in the arse. And nobody has any time for anything original. Coming now, to your question, do you still want it answered? I guess you do. I guess you're one of those earnest sorts who thinks orginality is the mother of all inventions. No way, but no sweat. Allow us to quickly lead you down the garden path. So you think you have an original idea? Snigger, snigger. So did we. Umm, sorry, what we meant to say was, that's awesome. Of course, it's not the most original thought in the world to think that one has an original idea, but we shall allow you to enjoy your utterly tired delusion of originality. Well, here's what you can do with your original idea. If you want it to be butchered and cut down to shreds, take it to people. They will look at your original idea and the first thing they will ask you to do is change it. You, being the passionate, naive sort will fight tooth and nail for it. Two words. Fucking don't. If you fight tooth and nail for your idea, they'll ignore you. Then again, if you don't fight for your idea, they'll ignore you. Are we being downbeat? Fine, let's get high on your idea. Look at your idea. Think about it. See how it fits into the way the world currently works and don't google it up on the internet. If you do that, you're sure to discover about a million others who have the same idea in different avataars. You will also discover cynical folk who will say things like originality is over-rated. Ignore these people. Fall in love with your idea. Nurture it. And then, send it across, fearlessly and shamelessly to ''. It's, perhaps, the only place in the world where your idea will get a hearing, unchanged. No matter how crappy your idea is, it will not be changed. It will get all the respect it deserves and die a quiet, unobstrusive death. Glad to be of help. Best of luck to you and your idea. By the way, if you'd like to improve your idea, do send it across to us. We've been at the recieving end of so many improvements, that we've dropped the idea of being original and taken up the comfortable option of being a changemaster. My lines are open. Always. Yours defeatedly, Agony.